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That polluters will pay a heavy price

Read the number:     Release time:2020-03-21    

Abstract: Since 2018, the scope for ecological environment compensation system in the whole province. Through experiment, this system to form the corresponding appraisal management and technical……

China environment news reporter Pan Qian reports

17th meeting of the leading group of anhui provincial party committee comprehensively deepen reform has been reviewed and adopted the "anhui province ecological environment compensation system reform plan" (hereinafter referred to as the "scheme").

Clear solution, since 2018, the scope for ecological environment compensation system in the whole province. Through experiment, this system to form the corresponding appraisal management and technical system, funding and operational mechanism, to build ecological environmental damage repair and compensation system, accelerate the construction of ecological civilization. By 2020, preliminary build responsibility clear, way unimpeded, technical specifications, powerful guarantee, compensation in place and repair effective ecological compensation system.

"The plan" defines the scope of this system: bigger and more emergency environmental accidents happen; In the national and provincial development priority zones planning designated key ecological function areas, prohibited development zone of the environmental pollution and ecological destruction incidents; Illegal to discharge or dump, disposal of solid wastes environmental pollution and ecological damage, and other serious impact on the ecological environmental consequences.

The ecological environment damage appraisal is one of the key links in the system. "The plan" clear standards of ecological environment damage appraisal. Quickening construction of ecological environment damage appraisal professional strength, promote to form a qualified professional assessment team. Study and formulate appraisal management system and working procedures, protection of ecological environment damage appraisal independently, and connecting with the judicial process. To provide consultation expert opinion appraisal institutions shall comply with the relevant national requirements; Provide expert opinion litigation appraisal institutions shall abide by the relevant provisions of the judicial administrative organs and other specifications.